home sweet {colorado} home.

I feel blessed today. When my husband joined the Army it was new to me; he spent his whole life as a 'brat' moving ten times in twenty years; I had only ever moved five miles once in my life.

After graduating college the Army took us to Maryland on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay; a place I have always loved.

We thought for a good few months we'd be heading to Colorado until he was accepted into a school that requires a year of training.....in Florida. And while we were both excited, Colorado stayed in the back of our minds.

So here we are, well into our last few months in Florida, enjoying the sunshine, beaches, and seafood.
And wouldn't you know, in the middle of our first Tropical Storm we got the news....our next stop is Colorado!

I am truly a lucky gal; in the span of a year I will have lived on the bay, the bayou and the beach; and next year the mountain.

I can't wait for some of that fresh Colorado air (and snow)!

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