I don't catch Oprah that often, but I love Tim Gunn of Project Runway so I had to watch yesterday as they made over a group of typical American men.
Now, my husband is in the Army and spends 75% of his week in a uniform. I will admit I am a sucker for that uniform and I certainly don't blame him for throwing on a comfortable pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt once Friday rolls around. But it's important for a man to have their own personal style.
I was totally blown away at the extremely handsome men hiding under the crazy hair and clothes.
Charles Masonesque before....

Russel Crowesque after...
This is the first makeover Oprah gave this man in the 90's....ouch.

He finally got the makeover he deserved. Lookin' good.

This young firefighter is probably the closest representation as to how my hubby dresses; minus the plaid.

Those jeans are to die for; his wife was all about showing off his tush.
Isn't that every the goal of every wife?
Saving the best for last. Oprah's people picked this guy up at Lowes.
I love a good beard, but that's a little scary.
Tim Gunn really makes it easy for any man to have a classic, cool, and comfortable style that will turn heads and melt your wife's heart. This video series is perfect for those men that have a hard time knowing where to start.
And now....helloooo cowboy! I did not expect this.
My mom and I literally called each other and discussed him for ten minutes.

all via oprah
Can you believe it? I still can't get over how handsome this man is.
What is the one thing you wish you could take in your man's wardrobe and toss away? I would adore my hubby getting rid of all those Ed Hardyesque t-shirts (sorry, babe). I plan on picking up some classics for my man this holiday to keep him looking good and feeling great.
you just brightened my day!!! OH, what a makover will do!
I love Tim Gunn! I long for the opportunity for him to go through my wardrobe and make me over. He seems like such a great big teddy bear. Love him!
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