Did you used to make mix tapes when you were a kid? I still have all of mine, they have all sorts of doodles all over them and probably some Lisa Frank stickers. It's kind of a special moment when you finally put together the perfect mashup of songs, don't you think?

via we heart it
I wish I still had a cassette player so I could make tapes. But I do have my record player and a computer. What are you listening to these days? Give me anything, a song, album, band. I need some mix music in my life.
I just preordered this little ditty. They're on my all time favorite list.

via amazon
I'm off to listen to something that will make me smile and craft. Be sure to let me know what you're listening too!
I'm listening to lots of Van Morrison and Simon & Garfunkel. I bet you already guessed that about me though!
I've never heard she and him... But if our overlapping tastes are any indication- I'll love them! Off to check them out right now!
I'm loving on The XX and Beach House.
PS -- Mixtapes are my all time fave! One of my next tattoos is a mixtape. :]
i didn't know there was going to be a second album! m ward is one of my absolute favesss <3
haha I remember Lisa Frank...ahh...the good ole days :p
I totally just giggled because the comments are from: Sarah, Kate, then Sara Kate. Weird :P I xoxo Beach House! Jenn, follow the link and preorder She and Him! Kate you didn't leave me a band :P I wonder if they still make Lisa Frank?
Rox, Mom says plese make me another cd of she and him mine got screwed up in the cars cd player. Thanks love mom
Mix tapes were the all day, make every song perfect and every song should blend into the next obsession of my childhood. I made a mix for my wedding in lieu of hiring a d-jay and hooked the computer up to the stereo. I just love them! Happy stitching!
Ok mom, I love you <3 Erin, I love that you made a tape for your wedding.
Okay so your post totally speaks to me. Not only do I remember having mixed tapes! I remember recording the same song several times on one tape so I wouldn't have to rewind. Oh the good old days. Also She & Him is so amazing. I have volume one I can't wait to get volume 2!
oh man, mixed tapes were the BOMB! I loved waiting for the perfect song to come on the radio and then RUSHING to hit record! Ah... awkward pre-teen years.
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