wedding week: eternal summer nuptials.

It's Monday! Woohoo? I can't quite decide yet if that's a good thing or bad thing, but I do know I'm very excited about Wedding Week here at The 60/40 and I hope you are too. This week I'll be sharing with you my favorite wedding bits, do's, don'ts and everything in between. At the end of the week I'll be celebrating my one year anniversary and I hope you'll join me from now until then, when I recap Josh and I's big day!

Let's kick off the week with one of my all time favorite weddings from the infamous, Once Wed. Maybe it's the fact that Nick and Surya got married in Colorado, but something about their wedding just speaks to me. It feels like eternal summer with their whimsical dresses and not too serious, but gorgeous, decor.

And I can't forget, the cutest Save-the-Date I've ever seen! They even used one of my favorite songs
 *le sigh*

all via once wed

Everything about this wedding has me smiling; the sign in the trees, the bold bridesmaid's ensembles, her short and sassy dress and his handsome bowtie and vest. A little secret? I never look at wedding anything. I loved our wedding, don't get me wrong, but looking at other peoples makes me want to just do it all over again, so I usually refrain. But Nick and Surya's wedding, I can't even be envious, it's just too cute. I would've however have loved to be a fly on the wall!

What's one element or item you would've (or would) like to pluck from someone elses wedding and put into yours? I would've loved to have has rustic wooden tables like theirs.

Tomorrow I'll see you right back here for some more wedded bliss. xo.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I love this!!

I struggle looking at anything wedding related too. Since our wedding was planned in less than 3 weeks in a month I would NOT have had a wedding I get envious quickly. Don't get me wrong I loved it in the end. But nothing was what I would have had if I had more time to plan.