I'm super thrilled to bring you the first installment of Homespun Holidays here at The 60/40. As we head into December I'm going to dig deep to bring you the best in gift guides, d-i-y projects, and merriment.
Today I pulled out all my Christmas boxes (crazy, I know) and I'm planning to crank up the holiday tunes and decorate all week long. Join me so I don't feel so nuts, mmmkay?

via saidos da concha
I found a small box of childhood ornaments, but since this is our first Christmas as husband and wife, I would love for my husband and I to craft some new ornament memories together. And let me tell you, I am not the kind of gal to go spend thirty dollars (or wait in line) to buy the newest Hallmark whatchamacallit (sorry Hallmark).
So we are going handmade and homemade. The little pretties above and these pretties below are courtesy of Concha of Saidos Da Concha. Skate over here and check out her totally awesome tutorial. I especially love the birdies; full of whimsy!

So we are going handmade and homemade. The little pretties above and these pretties below are courtesy of Concha of Saidos Da Concha. Skate over here and check out her totally awesome tutorial. I especially love the birdies; full of whimsy!

ps. those little trees are from ikea and insanely inexpensive.

via saidos da concha
If you're looking for a quick ornament gift or don't have the time to whip up your own, you know where to go. Etsy! As any sane person would expect Etsy is brimming with talent, and overwhelmingly so during the holiday season. Finding some beautiful, unique, handmade ornaments is just too simple.
Dash, Dancer, Prancer....

via snow fish
I adore this little kitty; Fern Animals is so talented, she just won Etsy and Martha Stewart's handmade wedding contest.

via fernanimals
A sweet sampler.

via julie ellen
These vintage inspired ornaments are filled with lavendar, so they smell yummy too!

via vintage home
Ooo and I almost forgot these Gingermen. They make me giggle.

via vivikas
How easy is that? A plethora of cuteness at your fingertips. Ornaments are such a great gift too, easy to personalize and perfect to tie onto a package for an added touch.
If you're looking for ornaments to knit try these quick and free patterns.

I'm obssessed with this 'lil guy. It reminds me of my favorite Christmas commercial.

I want hear about your favorites here. What ornaments do you plan on buying or making this year? Do they hold special meaning? I want to see your projects and buys too!
I LOVE the little birdies and reindeer! So cute!
Hi there! I found your blog through ravelry, and it's wonderful! I've been holding myself back from decorating, and I think you've encouraged me to just do it, already!
Thanks for all of your ornament suggestions, I just might have to dust off the ole sewing machine and see if I can whip up those little birds!
im with you on decorating early this year...the last 2 years i have only had my tree up for a very short time, and this year im going all out! we get our tree this weekend, and then i will start decorating :)
i love all the handmade ones you posted...
Glad you're all starting to decorate! Kate, I want to see your birdies when you're done! Keep coming back. I'm off to visit your blog.
This is great. My tree is covered with ornaments like this - stuff the kids made in school, popcorn garland - I love these kinds of ornaments. They make me feel like a kid again since that's what our tree was covered with. I especially love the sheep!
I haven't made too many ornaments for our tree but that little knitted christmas tree is just the best. Soooooo cute!
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