not a day over perfection.

Happy Birthday to my awesome Mom! I hope today is a warm and beautiful day and you find yourself relaxing out on the patio with your favorite glass of wine. 

your favorite child.  

This is my Mom and Dad on my wedding day. So cute I wanna barf (don't worry, I'm barfing out of affection). My Mom is pretty flippin' lucky to have such an awesome birthday; not only the first day of Summer, but the longest day of the year!

Speaking of Summer; the Pop-Up Shop announcement is coming up in just a bit and later a little treat to kick off summer! Stay tuned. xo.


momo said...

I am enjoying and relaxing for my birthday, but the wine part is alittle to early (its only 10:00am),that will come later. thanks for the birthday wishes....Love Mom

Erin said...

So cute! Happy birthday to her! I laughed when I saw the "your favorite child" part. My sister and I do the same thing.

mommo said...

Rox you know your my favorite child, that is my favorite daughter. And your brother my other favorite child, my favorite son....Why do you think I stopped with the kids when I did........